
Hello, thanks for visiting this site. A little bit about me and my work.

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where I live and work, the Gadubanud People of the Maar nation and the Wadawurrung People of the Kulin nation.

My practice combines printmaking, photography and advocacy. I observe, sketch, research and photograph the behaviours and shapes of animals in their habitats and then paint literal and abstract marks on metal plates. I’m drawn to intaglio printmaking techniques, particularly multiple plate etching. The marks and irregularity that can be created through corroding lines and surfaces, and the tonal delicacy of layering thin veils of colour are a focus. My work experiments with light by varying how plate surfaces hold ink through graining and creating tooth - a meditative process. For the recent Painkalac Series I used thin layers of rust and deep blue inks aiming to evoke the glow just before sunrise and after sunset.

A special thanks to the wonderful women who have so generously shared their printmaking knowledge, in particular Jennifer Gaye Nieuwenhof and Sarah Amos - and to Karin Eberhardt who turned me on to migratory shorebirds.

Inscription - Last of the Curlews by Fred Bodsworth